Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A low-tech virtual tour

Kitchen view #1

Kitchen view #2

Our cozy living room

Yet another living room view

The den/study/home office/some-day formal dining room

Going upstairs

Master bedroom

Bedroom #2

Bedroom #3

Going back downstairs


Nate and Aimee said...

Thanks for sharing your house pics! I am tempted to envy--but the Lord has the best timing, and I am enjoying the apartment life (no maintenance, no property taxes...)Anyway. And I love that you have a link to Todd Bolen's website. You know he was my favorite prof in IBEX (one of the "hard profs"--Nate took 3 of his classes at once-and was considered crazy!)

4 hours spent setting up a blog = spotty and unsatisfactory results

the ability to establish communication with old friends = priceless! Thanks for letting me post!

Josh O. said...

Glad you stopped by! This house is such a huge blessing from God. Every time we go and check out the progress, we're blown away that we'll be living there soon.

You and Nate are welcome anytime. Especially if you want to visit Maine and not spend all your time with family. (Although I'm sure you're probably homesick a little here and there.)

I look forward to checking out your blog. Stay in touch.