Thursday, January 11, 2007

Baby...already, but not yet!

Just in case you were wondering, nope, no baby yet! The past month has reinforced my belief in inaugurated eschatology: "I am ALREADY a father, BUT I am NOT YET a father in the fullest sense of the word! The tension can be almost unbearable. At times I'm presently consumed with the joy of talking to my son while he's still in the womb, feeling him kick and turn, and sympathizing with him when he's got the hiccups. Yet, there's more to come, a lot more than I can possibly imagine! Someday, I will see him face to face, and the thought of that makes me tear up, makes me exult in this gift of life that God has entrusted to Heidi and me. Of course, Heidi's not so sentimental about the inaugurated state of motherhood. As painful as the birth pangs will be she want him out! (This is where I tell myself "Self, just shut up. You cannot even begin to understand what she's going through. Tell her you love her and she's doing a great job!")

But as crazy as it sounds, the privilege of loving my son while he's still in the womb balanced by the confident hope of his soon arrival has been a great picture, almost a parable, to help me better understand how Jesus inaugurated the Kingdom of God at his first coming and how he will consummate it at his second coming. He was vindicated the Messiah, God's King, when he rose from the dead and ascended to the right hand of God (Romans 1:4); he is King right now! Yet his kingship will not come in its fullness until the King returns, when the last enemy, Death, is destroyed and robbed of its captives, when Satan if vanquished and the presence of sin removed forever (1 Cor 15:20-58).

Of course I'm not equating the coming of Zechariah Ivan Otte to the coming of King Jesus, but I can't help but notice how the arrival of my son is preparing me for the arrival of my Redeemer King!

"Maranatha! ...and while you're at it, Jesus, could you please speed my baby boy along!"

1 Peter 1:8-9
and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.


Anonymous said...

My mom says she knows the feeling: I was two weeks overdue! In fact, my grandfather and his wife flew up from TX to see my birth, only to fly back down so he could go back to work without me making an appearance. They made Mom walk around the mall hoping that would start labor, all to no avail. I suppose the best things are often those that take the longest to arrive. :-D

corey thomas said...

Amazing post! What a great analogy! I am so excited for you. Now, if you read this post first anticipate the reading of my next post on your birth announcement blog...